Seraphic Chronicles – Auxilary Craft

The ScSS Seraphic, the Pegasus Class starship that will capture the hearts and imaginations of countless fans, today we’re taking a closer look at the various auxiliary craft that make the Seraphic not just a ship but a living, breathing ecosystem of interstellar travel.

The captain’s yacht is more than just a vessel; it’s a symbol of the captain’s authority and the dignity of the ship. It’s used for official functions, diplomatic missions, and critical situations where the captain’s presence is paramount. This craft is designed with elegance and functionality in mind, reflecting the stature of the captain and the importance of their missions. Ejjina has been allowed to have input on decorating the interior.

Space ship concept art ...

Starfighters are the agile raptors of space, ready to launch at a moment’s notice to defend the Seraphic from any threat. These small, fast, and maneuverable crafts are piloted by the bravest souls who dare to skim the edges of black holes and dance through asteroid fields. They are the first line of defense and the sharp spear of offensive maneuvers.

Shuttles are the unsung heroes of the Seraphic, versatile crafts that handle everything from cargo transport to crew deployment. Named after the cities of Baraben Prime, the planet where the Seraphic was constructed, these shuttles embody the spirit of exploration and diversity that the Seraphic stands for.

The Hammerwings are the tactical enforcers of the fleet, equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry and defense systems. They serve as both protectors and enforcers, ensuring the safety of the Seraphic and its mission, often used like Battlestar Galactica’s raptors for recon in dangerous areas, or as support craft in battles, attacking from above or challenging the enemy computer systems. Their presence is a reassurance to the crew and a warning to any who would dare challenge the might of the Seraphic.

Behind every successful mission are the skilled hands of the Piloting Department. These dedicated individuals are responsible for the navigation and piloting of the Seraphic and all its auxiliary craft and have wings on their right arm to show they are licensed. From shuttlecraft to Hammerwings to starfighters, the Chief Pilot Officer Jovan Johnson and his team ensure that every journey is a safe one.

The ScSS Seraphic is more than just a ship; it’s a beacon of hope and adventure in the vast expanse of space. Its auxiliary craft are the limbs that enable it to reach out into the unknown, to explore new worlds, and to protect the ideals it carries. As we continue to follow the adventures of the Seraphic and its crew, we can’t help but be inspired by the boundless possibilities that lie ahead.

One thing that has always annoyed me is the size of shuttles in Star Trek, some look smaller than some modern cars, yet are supposed to have all the starship tech in miniature. When 4 people have been away from the starship for a week they are all shown in one small shuttle… Where have they slept? Showered? Pooped? Shuttles should be the size of a small house, or plane, they have to have major space for engines, etc and this means they are large.

Seraphic Chronicles – Pyntaxian’s

The universe of “The Seraphic Chronicles” is vast and filled with wonders, and among its most intriguing elements are the Pyntaxian’s. These non-corporeal beings, residing in the upper atmosphere of the gas giant Kibbuiz, present a fascinating aspect of the series. They are long-lived, living thousands of years, with the older ones being hundreds of thousands of years old and the size of cloud formations.

In their natural form they look like a transparent golden dragon made entirely out of energy.

The Pyntaxian’s are an ancient race, believed to be a billion years old, who once had physical forms but have since evolved beyond corporeality. This evolution brings a depth to their character, as they have lost many records of their past, adding an element of mystery and a quest for identity that viewers can relate to and explore alongside them. They had been on the verge of extinction from Naz’Jil’s hunting them when they evolved into non-corporeal beings. To this day the Naz’Jil’s are a figure of fear and terror in Pyntaxian history.

Tonga Braakl and other Pyntaxian’s download themselves into volunteers, effectively taking over their body. This is allowing them to interact with others easier, experiencing what it is like to have bodies again, and also explore their old home, but things have vastly changed in the interim

In the potential TV adaptation of “The Seraphic Chronicles,” the Pyntaxian’s could offer a unique perspective on existence. Their long history and non-physical nature would allow for storylines that others cannot do.

Their interactions with Naz’Jil’s their old enemy, the finding of an ancient Pyntaxian ship falling into a black hole allows them to find an ancient Pyntaxian database, revealing a lot of long-lost traditions, and allowing an ancient member of their race to interact with them for the first time. But the way that Tonga Braakl interacts with others, learns about being human, is his position on the ship, and we are as the series progresses we see more about Pyntaxian history, traditions and psychology.

Seraphic Chronicles – The Seraphic

The Seraphic, a Pegasus Class ship of the Tenth Fleet, also known as the Grey Fleet, is renowned for its versatility and readiness to embark on a multitude of missions across the vast expanse of space. As a “swing fleet,” the newly built Seraphic is not bound to a single type of mission; it is equally adept at military operations, scientific exploration, and humanitarian efforts. The ship and its crew are often at the forefront of Star Command’s most critical assignments, ranging from peacekeeping and strategic defense to first contact and diplomatic negotiations with new civilizations.

The Seraphic’s missions are as diverse as the cosmos itself. In times of conflict, it serves as a beacon of strength, leading tactical maneuvers and providing support to allies in need. Its advanced weaponry and defensive systems are matched only by the strategic minds of its crew, making it a formidable presence in any military engagement. From ARES exoskeleton armour, to Hammerwing support craft, to wings of starfighters, the Seraphic is home to its own small fleet of support craft, including shuttles and even a Captains Yacht, all capable of any mission Star Command throws at them.

In the realm of exploration, the Seraphic is a vessel of discovery, charting unexplored territories and investigating celestial phenomena. Its state-of-the-art sensors, probes and laboratories enable the crew to study everything from black holes to alien ecosystems, contributing invaluable knowledge to the scientific community.

Humanitarian missions also fall within the Seraphic’s purview. Whether responding to natural disasters or man-made crises, the ship is equipped to provide aid and relief. Its medical facilities can treat countless patients, while its cargo bays are capable of transporting supplies to those in dire need.

The Seraphic’s flexibility is further demonstrated by its role in Operation Open Water, a mission that exemplifies the fleet’s ability to adapt and respond to emerging challenges and opportunities. The operation showcases the Seraphic’s capacity to work in concert with other vessels within the fleet, each contributing its unique capabilities to achieve a common goal.

Moreover, the Seraphic is a symbol of hope and unity for the Alliance. Its presence alone can inspire and rally populations, serving as a reminder of the Alliance’s commitment to peace and prosperity. The ship’s diplomatic endeavors often pave the way for alliances and treaties, fostering cooperation among disparate worlds.

The crew of the Seraphic, from the esteemed Captain Ejjina Mexonber-Quad to the brilliant engineering mind of Sorvel, Son of Yuvel, are the heart of these missions. Their individual skills and collective dedication ensure the success of the Seraphic’s varied and vital undertakings.

In essence, the Seraphic is not just a ship but a promise—a promise of protection, knowledge, and aid wherever the stars may lead.

Seraphic Chronicles – Spaceways

In The Seraphic Chronicles, the spaceways are the lifelines that connect the galaxy, much like the ancient trade routes that once connected distant lands on Earth. These spaceways are not just routes; they are the stages for epic adventures, political intrigue, and tales of heroism that unfold across the stars.

The spaceways, as described in the series, are the highways of the galaxy, allowing starships to travel at overdrive, faster and more efficiently than traversing the “Wild Space”, sometimes called “Cold Space”, in between. They can be eternal or ephemeral, but always serve as critical links between two points in space, providing a huge advantage for starships that can move several times the speed of light.

One of the reasons humans never made contact with alien races is that Old Earth is in fact quite far from any spaceways. Humans home world is actually, in galactic terms, a backwater.

One of the most notable spaceways is the Sheldoor Spaceway, a major artery within the Alliance that runs from the Core Worlds through the Baraben System and out to the Nyso System. This spaceway is a bustling route that sees a myriad of ships passing through, from sleek diplomatic vessels to bulky cargo haulers, each with a story to tell.

Then there’s the Spaceway Phlorentine, which carves its path through the Outer Rim of the Alliance. Known for being a hotspot for pirate ambushes, it’s a spaceway that has witnessed its fair share of drama and conflict.

The most famous is the Cameron Courseway, home to multiple worlds as is traverses the rim of the galaxy surrounding the Alliance, Gryar Union, Smuilian Confederacy, Imperial Oferan Empire, Nostluhk Dominion and Ra’Shain Federation . It is also home to the Cameron Syndicate, the notorious criminal group that acts outside of all laws and is powerful enough to topple governments, even influencing politics of those worlds around the Courseway, such as those on the Outer Rim of the Alliance. Crime and corruption is rife in worlds where the Syndicate has saw, money and power is all that counts. Worlds like Susa, Whereev Mellon, Ezpa, Zaldos and Terabaline are all major worlds we hear about, distant and wonderful worlds that sound exotic, wonderful and terrifying in equal measure.

The spaceways of The Seraphic Chronicles are not just routes on a map; they are dynamic settings where the fate of worlds can be decided. They are the crossroads where characters from different walks of life come together, where alliances are forged and rivalries are settled. They are the arteries of commerce, the paths of explorers, and the battlegrounds of warriors.

As we delve into the stories of The Seraphic Chronicles, we are reminded of the importance of these spaceways. They are a testament to the ingenuity and ambition of the civilizations that have risen among the stars. They remind us that, even in the vastness of space, connections matter, and the routes we choose can lead to destinies beyond our wildest dreams.

So, buckle up and prepare for a journey along the spaceways of The Seraphic Chronicles, where adventure awaits at every turn, and the galaxy’s secrets are just a hyperjump away. Who knows what wonders and perils you might encounter on these galactic highways? One thing is for certain: it will be an unforgettable ride.

Seraphic Chronicles – The Core Worlds

The Core Worlds stand as the pinnacle of civilization and the heart of the Alliance. These worlds, including Orsimo, Old Earth, and Paplin, are not just the richest and most powerful, but they are also steeped in history and culture that have shaped the galaxy.

Orsimo, with its advanced technology and towering cities, is a testament to the progress the Alliance has made and the planet where humans and B’ra’Sha made first contact, capital city of the Alliance it is where the Alliance’s decisions are made, affecting the lives of billions across the star. Old Earth, our ancestral home, remains a symbol of our past and a reminder of where we all came from. Paplin, the ringed world, home world of the B’ra’Sha, a world of beauty and diplomacy..

The Core Worlds are more than just political centers; they are hubs of innovation, where science and technology push the boundaries of what’s possible. They are cultural melting pots, where diverse species and cultures come together to exchange ideas and goods, as well as being aesthetically beautiful, full of life and art.

But it’s not just about the bustling cities and advanced technologies; the Core Worlds are also home to serene landscapes and ancient monuments, reminders of a time before space travel, when each world was an entire universe unto itself. But there is also the history of the first colonies, now a thousand years of history and traditions.

There is also an arrogance to them, the people who live their lives here know they are the best worlds in the galaxy, and few would want to leave or live anywhere else, often looking down on those who live elsewhere for their lack of history, importance and wealth. It is why few Star Command officers want to go on Operation Open Water, why would you want to put your career on hold outside the political hotspots in the Core Worlds.

As we look to the future, the Core Worlds will continue to play a crucial role in the Seraphic Chronicles. They are the foundation upon which the Alliance stands, and they will lead the way as humanity and its allies venture further into the unknown.

The Seraphic Chronicles universe is a rich tapestry, woven with the threads of countless stories, and the Core Worlds are at the very center of it all. They are a beacon of hope, a symbol of unity, and a reminder that no matter how far we travel into the cosmos, our core remains with us, grounding us and guiding us forward. So, let’s celebrate the Core Worlds, for they are not just worlds; they are the heart of a saga that continues to captivate and inspire.

Seraphic Chronicles

The Seraphic Chronicles, a captivating saga of magic and mystery, introduces viewers to the enigmatic concept of Quad magic in its first season. This mystical force is woven intricately into the fabric of the narrative, particularly through the journey of Ejjina, the protagonist who vehemently denies her magical heritage.

Ejjina’s journey is a fascinating exploration of self-denial and discovery. Despite her protests, there’s an undeniable magnetism about her—a charisma that extends beyond her personality, hinting at dormant powers within. Her abilities manifest subtly at first; she exhibits exceptional resilience, speed, and recovery that set her apart from her peers. These traits are the first whispers of something deeper, a potential that Ejjina herself is reluctant to acknowledge.

The series artfully depicts Ejjina’s gradual awakening to her powers, without a glance, she catches a rock hurled at her by a child—an act that defies explanation. Later, a surge of emotion causes the room to tremble with her anger, a phenomenon she’s oblivious to, yet it leaves the audience, and crew around her, spellbound.

As the season unfolds, we witness Ejjina in meditation, surrounded by candles whose flames grow increasingly agitated and larger, mirroring the growing power within her. The crescendo of her magical awakening is marked by the emergence of fire from her hands, a revelation that leaves her—and viewers—astonished.

Parallel to Ejjina’s fiery awakening, we have Enasis, another character who discovers a sudden affinity for ice. This contrast between fire and ice adds a layer of depth to the narrative, suggesting a balance of forces at play within the Quad magic system, and the opposition, fire and ice, hints at the coming animosity between the two characters.

Ejjina’s mastery over her fire powers becomes more pronounced as the season progresses, culminating in her ascension to the rank of grandmaster. Under the tutelage of her master, Philemon, she delves deeper into the mysteries of the Quad, gaining knowledge and power that elevate her status to Quad’Chi instead of Quad.

However, with great power comes envy, as seen in Enasis’s growing jealousy of Ejjina’s newfound status. This dynamic adds a human element to the tale, grounding the fantastical elements in relatable emotions.

As Ejjina’s story unfolds, we are reminded that the journey to self-discovery is often fraught with denial, surprise, and, ultimately, acceptance of one’s true power.

Seraphic Chronicles – Cinematography

This picture from Star Trek: Generations does not look like anything from the Star Trek TNG TV show, and that is all down to the lighting.

Rather than the balnd 90’s TV lighting this is dramatic and has a depth of character and warmth, the shot is far more interesting than it woudo be otherwise, all due to the fact that they are using the “natural” light from the nearby star to light the room. This is something I really want to do, especially in rooms with no curtains or blinds to keep the light out. In addition the “natural” sources of light on a starship, overhead lighting, “red alert” lighting on the bottom half of the walls, console lighting, the glow of the engine core, etc, these thinsg can bring a natural light to the rooms that will make for more interesting shots than bland TV lighting.

This is something that I want to focus on, the lighting, and especially good use of lighting, that can elevate a regualr shot into something memorable.

Seraphic Chronicles – Dr Ovath Reh’Obo’Amasa

Few characters capture the heart and soul of Star Command’s medical prowess quite like Dr. Ovath Reh’Obo’Amasa. A B’ra’Sha from Paplin, Ovath’s journey is one of resilience and dedication.

Ovath story begins with a challenging start on her home planet, where her identity as a trans-female led to her banishment under an ancient custom by her conservative priest father. She transitioned, however, this only marked the beginning of a remarkable saga that would see her rise to become a respected medical officer.

Her thirst for knowledge and desire to aid others led her to Old Earth, where she joined Star Command and embarked on a medical career that would take her across the stars. Specializing in pre-clinical medicine, she completed her internship in New York City before diving into battle medicine aboard the ScSS Carlvaliho during the tail end of the Gryar War. Her love of life leads her to growing plants, getting pets fills her quarters, and her office, with small animals and plants that she can nurture. Aboard the Banabhatta she cultivates a role as very much a “mother hen” of the crew, her quiet leadership in mediplex and friendly nature making her a very effective doctor and leader, one of the few people who can tell Jovan when to stop and go home.

In 320AE she met Selena Gomez and they began a relationship, the relationship is very much a reflection of most people ho would watch the show, they enjoy quiet nights in, wear comfortable clothes and watch shows on Uplink. They are just regular people.

Ovath’s skill as a doctor and bravery have not gone unnoticed. She was awarded the Surgeons Medallion for her life-saving actions during the Podrink 452 Incident, saving many lives, including two of the Joint Chiefs.

So while she seems on the one hand to have cultivated a good life for herself, she has respect of her peers, the love of a good woman, but she has a deep sorrow for her banishment, she wishes she could see her family again, especially her two sisters, and she has, and does still, receive some religious prejudice for the banishment. She wants, more than anything, to be able to visit her home world once more. She also keeps her ambition secret, to command a medical starship.

Ovath is a fun character, she hates religion, loves science, and will aggressively debate this issue, but in all other areas she is the softest person in the room. Liking nothing more than curling up with her pets and her partner watching her favourite soap operas. So while she is a trans-alien in many ways she is the most relatable person for fans on the whole ship.

Seraphic Chronicles – “Who Is….” Advertsing Campaign

In the competitive world of television, capturing the audience’s attention is crucial, especially when introducing a new show. “The Seraphic Chronicles,” a potential TV show, is considering an innovative advertising strategy known as the “Who is…” campaign. This concept revolves around creating a series of adverts that spotlight individual characters from the show, providing a glimpse into their roles and personalities.

From the initial full cast photograph with all Seraphic crew members in white modern clothes and all NightShade cast members in black we can spin off of this into the “Who Is…” Campaign.

The campaign proposes to feature Seraphic characters dressed in white, symbolizing their supposed virtuous nature, while NightShade characters are clad in black, hinting at their mysterious or possibly darker alignments. Each advert would include a montage of scenes from the first season, showcasing key moments that define the characters. This approach not only builds intrigue but also allows viewers to connect with the characters on a personal level.

By producing dozens of these adverts, the campaign can maintain freshness and diversity, appealing to a wide range of preferences among the audience. Fans may find themselves drawn to a particular character, and these individualized adverts cater to such affinities. It’s a strategy that acknowledges the varied tastes of viewers and provides multiple entry points into the show’s narrative universe.

Moreover, this campaign has the potential to spark conversations on social media, as fans discuss and share their favorite character-focused adverts. It creates an interactive element to the advertising, engaging the audience beyond passive viewing and into active participation.

We can even space these out, introducing a new advert each day until they are all out.

In conclusion, the “Who is…” campaign for “The Seraphic Chronicles” represents a dynamic and character-driven approach to marketing. It respects the complexity of its characters and the intelligence of its audience, promising a show that is rich in narrative depth and character development. As the campaign rolls out, it will be fascinating to see how it resonates with viewers and influences the anticipation for this potential TV show.

Seraphic Chronicles- NightShade Episodes

The Seraphic Chronicles TV show, with its proposed Nightshade episodes, promises to take viewers on a journey through the expansive and multifaceted universe it inhabits. These episodes are crafted to provide a broader perspective of the cosmos while delving into its darker aspects, such as the Ra’Shain civil war and the nefarious Cameron Syndicate.

The Nightshade episodes aim to offer a unique viewing experience, reminiscent of a dark James Bond narrative. Whilst stand alone episodes in one way they usually offer little in terms of the intricacies of the first season’s plot. Instead, they cleverly lay the groundwork for the upcoming seasons, enriching the overall storyline with depth and complexity.

The opposite of this is the Como episode, which is particularly pivotal to the season one narrative. It serves as a prelude to the grand finale of season one, subtly setting up the critical elements of the overarching narrative. The Project Olivkan storyline and the malevolent Admiral Hajarimayum are introduced, creating a tapestry of intrigue and suspense.

The Nightshade episodes are a testament to the show’s commitment to storytelling that is both expansive and intimate, offering a glimpse into the universe’s shadowy corners. They promise to be a thrilling addition to the Seraphic Chronicles, setting the stage for a saga that will captivate audiences with its rich, dark, and complex world.